BBa_J16100 1 BBa_J16100 SupR Gene 2006-07-23T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:33Z Acquired from a DNA sample taken from Clark Kent's coffee mug at the Daily Planet The SupR gene encodes the operate super proteins that give Superman all this special powers. Without this gene, he'd just be plain old Clark Kent. The protein Krypton binds to a section of this coding region (see features map), blocking he polymerase and inhibiting transcription of the gene, effectively leaving Superman powerless. false false _1_ 0 740 1 Not in stock false It had one BB restriction site within its sequence - this was removed false James Brown annotation1890734 1 Krypton Bnding Site - inhibits range1890734 1 20 30 BBa_J16103 1 BBa_J16103 SPOM - Super Powers Output Module 2006-07-23T11:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:08:33Z Basic Ribosomal and Terminator Parts flank the SupR gene take from Clark Kent When given a PoPs input will give the host Super Powers beyound their wildless dreams false false _1_ 0 740 1 Not in stock false Use with Caution false James Brown component1890742 1 BBa_B0012 component1890740 1 BBa_B0010 component1890736 1 BBa_B0030 component1890739 1 BBa_J16100 annotation1890742 1 BBa_B0012 range1890742 1 213 253 annotation1890736 1 BBa_B0030 range1890736 1 1 15 annotation1890740 1 BBa_B0010 range1890740 1 125 204 annotation1890739 1 BBa_J16100 range1890739 1 22 116 BBa_B0012 1 BBa_B0012 TE from coliphageT7 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Derived from the TE terminator of T7 bacteriophage between Genes 1.3 and 1.4 <genbank>V01146</genbank>. Released HQ 2013 Transcription terminator for the <i>E.coli</i> RNA polymerase. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false <P> <P>Suggested by Sri Kosuri and Drew Endy as a high efficiency terminator. The 5' end cutoff was placed immediately after the TAA stop codon and the 3' end cutoff was placed just prior to the RBS of Gene 1.4 (before AAGGAG).<P> Use anywhere transcription should be stopped when the gene of interest is upstream of this terminator. false Reshma Shetty annotation1686 1 T7 TE range1686 1 8 27 annotation7020 1 BBa_B0012 range7020 1 1 41 annotation1687 1 stop range1687 1 34 34 annotation1690 1 polya range1690 1 28 41 BBa_B0030 1 BBa_B0030 RBS.1 (strong) -- modified from R. Weiss 2003-01-31T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Released HQ 2013 Strong RBS based on Ron Weiss thesis. Strength is considered relative to <bb_part>BBa_B0031</bb_part>, <bb_part>BBa_B0032</bb_part>, <bb_part>BBa_B0033</bb_part>. false true _44_46_ 0 24 7 In stock false Varies from -6 to +1 region from original sequence to accomodate BioBricks suffix (&quot;orig&quot; in figure 4-14 of Ron Weiss thesis). <p>No secondary structures are formed in the given RBS region. Users should check for secondary structures induced in the RBS by upstream and downstream elements in the +50 to -50 region, as such structures will greatly affect the strength of the RBS. Contact info <a href="mailto:(">Brian Chow</a> true Vinay S Mahajan, Voichita D. Marinescu, Brian Chow, Alexander D Wissner-Gross and Peter Carr IAP, 2003. annotation7025 1 BBa_B0030 range7025 1 1 15 annotation1702 1 RBS range1702 1 8 12 annotation1701 1 RBS-1\Strong range1701 1 1 15 BBa_B0010 1 BBa_B0010 T1 from E. coli rrnB 2003-11-19T12:00:00Z 2015-08-31T04:07:20Z Transcriptional terminator consisting of a 64 bp stem-loop. false false _1_ 0 24 7 In stock false true Randy Rettberg annotation7018 1 BBa_B0010 range7018 1 1 80 annotation4184 1 stem_loop range4184 1 12 55 BBa_B0010_sequence 1 ccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctc BBa_J16103_sequence 1 attaaagaggagaaatactagatgatgcgttattgcgtagatgcggattcggatcacacagtgagattcgctatcggggatgctaatctatatcgatgccctctctcgatagcatgtactagagccaggcatcaaataaaacgaaaggctcagtcgaaagactgggcctttcgttttatctgttgtttgtcggtgaacgctctctactagagtcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata BBa_B0030_sequence 1 attaaagaggagaaa BBa_J16100_sequence 1 atgatgcgttattgcgtagatgcggattcggatcacacagtgagattcgctatcggggatgctaatctatatcgatgccctctctcgatagcatg BBa_B0012_sequence 1 tcacactggctcaccttcgggtgggcctttctgcgtttata igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 James Alastair McLaughlin Chris J. Myers 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z