BBa_K1635000 1 BBa_K1635000 BBa_K1635000 (Archaeal translational efficiency part) 2015-09-17T11:00:00Z 2015-09-19T08:47:38Z <p>The PhmvA promoter is a known archaeal promoter, the native RBS sequence was obtained from <i>Methanococcus voltae</i>. The mCherry gene was obtained from Clonentech (<i>Discosoma sp.</i>)and was then codon optimized for expression in <i>Methanococcus.</i></p> <p>The ribosome binding sites (RBS) of archaea are not well characterized. By creating and characterizing a library of RBS sequences, researchers will be able to express proteins of interest at variable levels of expression in <i>Methanococcus maripaludis</i>. Ribosome binding sites are typically 6-7 base pair sequences on a transcript that is complementary to the 3??? end of the 16S rRNA. After binding of the RBS to the ribosome, translation will be initiated. An RBS with higher affinity for the ribosome will result in higher rate of translation, and inversely, an RBS with lower affinity will result in lower rate of translation. In addition to altering the RBS sequence, the immediately downstream bases (spacer region) could affect affinity of the ribosome as well. This part has a point mutation in the fourth base of the spacer region.</p> false false _2052_ 22985 22985 9 true <p>We have ensured Bio Brick Compatibility for all our parts.</p> false Rebecca Buchanan annotation2472925 1 Native RBS range2472925 1 185 190 annotation2472923 1 Spacer range2472923 1 191 195 annotation2472924 1 mCherry range2472924 1 196 906 annotation2472922 1 Promoter range2472922 1 2 175 BBa_K1635000_sequence 1 acgagataagaattactagataattcagctgatcgatcaaaatataacataaataacataggtttaaataatttaaaggcatattttatataaacaattgtaaaatattggcttatgaaatttgttaaaatttagctaataagctattgatattataattttatagataactaatactagagtgcagttagcgctatggtttcaaaaggagaagaagataatatggcaataataaaagaatttatgagatttaaagttcacatggaaggttcagttaatggtcacgaatttgagatagaaggtgaaggtgaaggtagaccatacgaaggtacacagacagcaaaattaaaagttacaaaaggtggtccattaccattcgcatgggatatattatcaccacagtttatgtacggttcaaaagcatacgttaaacacccagcagatataccagattacctcaaattatcatttccagaaggttttaaatgggaaagagttatgaattttgaagatggtggtgttgttacagttacacaggattcatcattacaggatggtgaatttatatacaaagttaaattaagaggtacaaattttccatcagatggtccagttatgcagaaaaaaacaatgggttgggaagcatcatcagaaagaatgtacccagaagatggtgcattaaaaggtgagataaaacagagattaaaattaaaagatggtggtcactacgatgcagaagttaaaacaacatacaaagcaaaaaaaccagttcagttaccaggtgcatacaacgttaatataaaattagatataacatcacacaatgaagattacacaatagttgaacagtacgaaagagcagaaggtagacactcaacaggtggtatggatgaattatacaaataa igem2sbol 1 iGEM to SBOL conversion Conversion of the iGEM parts registry to SBOL2.1 Chris J. Myers James Alastair McLaughlin 2017-03-06T15:00:00.000Z